Republic Journal

Taking the long way home

“I love what I do,” explains Natalie Davila; the cadence of her voice was clear and concise, yet full of warmth. Within minutes of speaking with her, it felt like we were old friends.

Let’s Talk About Mobile Banking

It’s a well known fact that mobile banking is exploding. According to Citibank's 2018 Mobile Banking Study, almost half of consumers (46%) increased their mobile banking in the past year, including 62% of millennials.

Leadership Blog – Leading with Integrity; Leading by Example

Ever since I was a little boy, at least, as far back as I could remember, my parents got me in the habit of doing the right thing. They always said how we comport ourselves in the service to others is a reflection of the persons we truly are and the truest representation of our character and leadership capabilities.

Difficult Choices

Former US President John F. Kennedy once said that making difficult choices, like deciding to go to the moon, is done, “not because they are easy, but because they are hard”. Ultimately, the goal will enable us to measure and organise our energies and skills, and use them in the most productive and effective ways.

Building a Regional Tech Hub

The pace of technology is rapid. As Robert Vis, founder and CEO of MessageBird puts it, “in tech the Goliaths – no matter how established they are – know they're always just one slingshot strike away from getting knocked down by a faster, more agile start-up version of David.”

Ageing: Challenges and Opportunities

Continual advancement in medicine, together with enhanced knowledge of sanitation and nutrition has extended the life spans of humans globally. Accompanying this enhancement of life expectancy is the rise of a smaller family structure.


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