Republic Journal

Our Core Values Mean Something

Successful organizations often have a clear set of values. We are no exception. We aspire and try to better year-on-year. However, we must acknowledge that just talking about our values and putting them on our website is one thing.

The Strategic Value of Energy

The onset of Covid-19 created several challenges for society. While the majority of businesses adapted by reducing costs and conserving cash, we noticed an increase in demand for strategic renewable energy assets within the Caribbean.

Developing Leadership Emotional Literacy

In our last chat, we discussed how emotional wellbeing is just as important as its physical and mental counterparts, particularly as we commemorate (if we want to use that word) the one-year anniversary of the pandemic.

Work/Life Balance

The term Work-Life Balance is defined as balance in the equilibrium between one’s personal life and career. Equilibrium is defined as a state of balance between opposing forces or actions.

Holistic Health in a World with COVID-19

As we near our one-year ‘covid-versary’, I’m sure many of you have successfully assimilated into your new routines – life with COVID-19. By now you know exactly how much prep time is required for you to slip out of your pyjamas, fix your hair and still log into the Zoom meeting on time.

The Evolution of the Mobile Wallet

In 2021, it’s hard to find someone who isn’t embracing and or loving smartphone technology. When you think about it, most people use their phones for everyday and everything. In fact, according there were 1.89 million mobile connections in Trinidad and Tobago in January 2020, a considerably higher number than the population which is around 1.4 million.


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