Republic Bank Limited
NOTICE is hereby given that the Forty-Fifth Annual Meeting of
Republic Bank Limited will be held at the Ballroom of the Hyatt
Regency Trinidad, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain on Monday
December 14, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. for the following purposes:-
1 To receive the Audited Financial Statements of Republic Bank
Limited for the year ended September 30, 2015 and the Reports
of the Directors and Auditors thereon.
2 To take note of the Dividends paid for the twelve-month period
ended September 30, 2015.
3 To elect Directors.
4 To re-appoint the Auditors, Ernst & Young and to authorise the
Directors to fix their remuneration.
5 To ratify the “effective date” of the restructuring as the
“appointed day” specified in the Vesting Order.
6 Any other business.
By order of the Board
Corporate Secretary
November 4, 2015
In accordance with Section 110(2) of the Companies Act Chap.
81:01, the Directors of the Company have fixed November 16,
2015 as the Record Date for the determination of shareholders who
are entitled to receive notice of the Annual Meeting. A list of such
shareholders will be available for examination by shareholders at
the Office of the Registrar during usual business hours.
Shareholders of the Company entitled to attend and vote at the
Meeting are entitled to appoint one or more proxies to attend,
and in a poll, vote instead of them. A proxy need not be a
shareholder. Any instrument appointing a proxy must be received
at the Registrar’s Office not less than 48 hours before the Meeting.
Shareholders who return completed proxy forms are not precluded,
if subsequently they so wish, from attending the Meeting instead of
their proxies and voting in person. In the event of a poll, their proxy
votes lodged with the Registrar, will be excluded.
A final dividend of $3.10 declared for the financial year ended
September 30, 2015 will be payable on December 1, 2015 to
shareholders at the close of business on November 16, 2015.
Explanationof Item5
At the Special Meeting held on June 26, 2015 Shareholders agreed
that the transfer of the undertaking of Republic Bank Limited to
Republic Finance and Merchant Bank Limited by way of a Vesting
Order (pursuant to section 89 of the Financial Institutions Act
Chap. 79:09) be effective October 1, 2015 subject to regulatory
approval. Regulatory approval was not obtained by October 1,
2015. Accordingly, Shareholders are asked to ratify the “effective
date” as the “appointed day” specified in the Order.
DocumentsAvailable for Inspection
No service contracts were granted by the Company or Subsidiary
Companies, to any Director or Proposed Director of the Company.
Corporate Information