Page 26 - Quest magazine 40
P. 26

From Tik Tac Toe to Tik Tok Toe

                                          hen was the last time you indulged  social media channels? The simple answer is to
                                          yourself in a game of Tic-Tac-Toe?  remain Relevant. If your audience is moving to
                                          For most of us this brings back  a new platform wouldn’t you want to welcome
                              Wchildhood memories and feelings  them? TikTok is a new opportunity for business-
                              of nostalgia as it remained  one of our favorite  es to build brand awareness, increase leads and
                              pass times. The simple game which only required  prospects and target current and potential cus-
                              a scrap of paper and pencil often erupted in many  tomers.
                              playful arguments over the placements of Xs and
                              Os. However with the onset of technology this   What makes the platform even more unique is
                              beloved childhood game has now become a thing   that it does not require any skill sets or advance
                              of the past as the present generation indulges in a   technology to create content. Unlike  YouTube
                              new game of Tik-Tok-Toe.                    where video editing skills and higher quality
                                                                          cameras  are  considered  a  huge  advantage, Tik-
                              During the heights of the pandemic and longer  Tok creators only need a camera phone, internet
    EDUCATION AND   EMPOWERMENT   preoccupied, many turned to the trending social   Similar to the traditional game of  Tic-Tac-Toe
                              quarantine periods, in order to keep ourselves  connection and a creative mind.

                              media platform such as TikTok. Created by Chi-
                                                                          where each player tries their best to strategical-
                              nese tech giant ByteDance it was first introduced
                                                                          ly place their Xs or Os consecutively, users on
                              in 2016 under the name “Douyin” (literal mean-
                              ing “shaking sound”), which was marketed as a
                                                                          gorithm. Rather than using Xs and Os however,
                              video-sharing social networking service similar
                                                                          users must now rely on attractive content, hash
                              to Facebook and Instagram. According to an arti-  Tik Tok play a similar game against the app’s al-
                              cle published by the Rochester Business Journal,   tags and strategic time posting so as to increase
                              TikTok was the world’s most downloaded app in   their chances on appearing on everyone’s For
                              2020 and the only app not owned by Facebook to   You Page and becoming viral.
                              make the global Top 5 downloads.
                                                                          In conclusion, Tik Tok has certainly kept us on
                              There is no doubt about its popularity and al-  the tip of our toes as it has proven to be;
                              though it was initially targeted towards a younger
                              age cohort; the older generation continue to flock   Trendy as the content is always up to date with
                              towards the social media platform. Additionally,   the times and events,
                              many companies today have also hopped on the   Omni as in all or universal, as it is used in many
                              trend and discovered ways to market their brand   regions of the world and
                              on it.
                                                                          Evolving as the platform is ever changing.
                              Why, especially with the option of so many other

                              26                                                                                                             • Quest 40 July/Dec 2022 •
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