Tell us what's on your mind...
We'll get back to you within the next business day!

We appreciate your feedback

Customer satisfaction is our priority. This is why we strive for service excellence in all our interactions with you. However, there may be times when we fall short of meeting your expectations.

So, whether you have a compliment, comment or complaint, your feedback is valuable to us as it offers us the opportunity to improve our service to you.


Kindly fill out our Feedback Form: Click here
Alternatively you can send us an email at or fill out a comment card, which is available at our branches.


  • Kindly contact your branch (in person, telephone, fax or email).
  • Provide the staff member with the details of the complaint (dates, account number etc).

Still not happy with the outcome?

Please contact our Customer Care Centre and a Customer Care Official will work with you and the branch to quickly solve the matter.

Feedback FAQs

Once the comment card is received at the Customer Care Centre you will be acknowledged via telephone or email within 48 hours.
Yes, the staff member and his or her manager will be notified in writing.
We forward all suggestions/ comments to the respective departments for consideration in their decision making process.

Complaints FAQs

Yes, however it will be forwarded to the Branch Sales Manager for investigation and feedback provided accordingly.
We acknowledge each complaint by the next business day and we resolve within 3 business days. There may be times when the complaint is too complex and cannot be resolved within this period. However when this happens, the Customer Care Official will provide you with regular feedback to keep you updated on the matter.
The Customer Care Centre is our final stage for handling your concerns and complaints. If you are still dissatisfied, please feel free to refer the matter to the Office of the Financial Services Ombudsman. This is an independent body which gives impartial and prompt resolutions to customers regarding complaints that have not been resolved satisfactorily with their financial institutions. You can contact the office at the address below:

Office of the Financial Services Ombudsman
1st Floor Central Bank Building
Eric Williams Plaza, Independence Square
Port of Spain
Telephone: 625-4835 exts: 2650; 2657; 2675; 2681
Fax: 627-1087


Republic Bank Limited 
Customer Care Centre 
Tel: +1 (868) 625-4411

For Credit Card & Internet Banking enquiries please call our 24/7 Call Centre at 627-3348

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