Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, October 16, 2017: “As we light our deyas today and on the 18th, spreading light over darkness, on behalf of Republic, I urge each of us to draw deep upon the things that have kept us together and to take strength from the things that make us better as a people, as a community, as a nation.”
Press Releases
Packing for Purpose
Packing for Purpose: Republic Bank staffers, Melvyn Baptiste, Enterprise Risk (2nd from left) and Statia-Marie Shillingford, Electronic Banking Services (3rd from left), help pack the last of the supplies for the Dominican students into trolleys at the Milner Hall
Cricket Presentation
Republic Bank starts Management Challenge with The University of the West Indies
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, September 26, 2017: Building on its commitment to tertiary education development, Republic Bank in collaboration with the Department of Management Studies has launched “The University of the West Indies/ Republic Bank Management Challenge” in a two-year partnership, which commenced on September 20. The competition aims to engage students while generating innovative solutions to organisational challenges through student research, analysis, and recommendations.
Graduates Use "Flashlight:" To Guide Next Steps
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, September 19, 2017 – “In just five weeks, we challenged you to dream bigger and build the foundation for your futures. We challenged you to undergo an unforgettable and powerful transformation that would lead to the person who you are now, no longer being the person who first walked in here.”
You Are Our First Responders!
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, September 19, 2017: “You are our first responders. You are the bedrock of the society.