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Port of Spain, Trinidad, December 2, 2019: The Republic Bank Power to Make A Difference Programme ushered in its latest phase with all of the vigour of the previous years – with a resounding emphasis on the needs of the Nation’s differently able; comprehensive youth empowerment and protecting disadvantaged citizens.
On November 28, 2019, Republic Bank launched the second year of Phase IV of the Power to Make A Difference programme (PMAD) and the latest edition of the Power to Make A Difference Book under the title ‘Words Change Worlds”. The PMAD Book highlights the most recent 5-year phase (2013-2018) of the programme. This year’s phase of the PMAD programme will be built around the sub theme, ‘Expanding Human Potential’ under the phase’s broader theme of ‘Creating Alternative Futures.
Through an overall outlay of over $23.9 million, Republic Bank has invested in 51 NGOs and projects including, T&T Cancer Society, Adult Literacy Tutors Association, the Loveuntil Foundation, Africa Film Trinidad & Tobago and the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sahba’s Baal Vikaas Vihaar Festival.
New projects added to the Bank’s slate included Down Syndrome Family Network, Princess Elizabeth Home for Handicapped Children Association, New Life Ministries Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Women and Zum Zum Children’s Museum.
In charting the direction of the 2019/2020 phase, Nigel Baptiste Managing Director said, “It is the responsibility of those who can, to help others achieve their dreams. These are not dreams of grandeur, these are dreams for a decent living; dreams of something better for everyone. If we dream of a sustainable society, it can only begin to be achieved if those of us who can help, do help.”
The launch was billed as an affirmation of the Bank’s on-going commitment to partnering with NGOs and projects in the fight for poverty alleviation, youth development through sport, education and culture, better healthcare and championing the rights and needs of the differently able and socially marginalised.
Republic Bank’s Power to Make a Difference programme has already been introduced successfully in the Bank’s regional subsidiaries in Grenada, Guyana, Suriname, Barbados, Ghana and will inevitably be implemented in the new territories: Anguilla, Dominica, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Maarten and St. Vincent & the Grenadines.
Read the Power to Make a Difference Book at:
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