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Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, September 20, 2016 – “If your dreams do not scare you, you are not dreaming Big enough.” These were the words of advice shared by Zhane Pajotte, as she delivered the valedictorian’s remarks at the Republic Bank Next Steps Award Scholarship Programme, held on Saturday at Republic House, Park Street, Port of Spain. The programme, the first of its kind, was launched in July and was geared towards exposing the participants to some of the tips and techniques needed to help shape their career path.
The six week internship focused on the entertainment industry, namely: Dance, Film, Music and Fashion Design, was opened to teenagers 13-19 years who participated in an online competition earlier this year and had experience in the relevant genres. Eleven participants graduated from the programme.
Pajotte shared that the programme was instrumental in bringing out their creative side, while giving them guidance in developing their talents and abilities, as well as working as a team.
Delivering the Bank’s remarks, Karen Mc Sween, Marketing Manager,Customer Engagement, challenged the young graduates to dream big and build a foundation for their futures.”
“We at Republic Bank, challenge you to aspire to be better, to take the talent that wells within each of you and transform it into something more powerful, something that will last your entire lives,” Mc Sween said.
The programmes facilitators included; Meiling Inc Limited (Fashion Designer) Bernadette Laughlin Scott (Musical Director, Love Movement) Chad Culpepper & Romano Francois (Montage Production Limited) and Noble Douglas. (Noble Douglas Dance Company Inc)
Each Participant received a certification of participation and a cash award. A video presentation, which was produced and directed by the participants, entitled, “One Love” and featured vocalists Vernice Hereira, Gabrielle Rajkumar and David Isidore was unveiled.
Also in attendance at the ceremony was Ministry of Education representative, Paul Massy.
Republic Bank, through its Power to Make a Difference Programme, is pleased to have afforded these young people with the avenues to display their talents and abilities and wish them all the success in their chosen fields.
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