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Port of Spain, February 16, 2018: Don La Foucade, Managing Director of In Full Flight, recently celebrated a significant milestone, his 300th motivational school visit. The visit took place at the Fyzabad Anglican Secondary School on February 6, 2018.
The motivational tour, which falls under Republic Bank’s Power to Make a Difference (PMAD) programme, addresses topics, such as positive self-esteem, development of new mindsets, willingness to take responsibility for one’s choices and development of a “will do” mindset, among others. It also seeks to inspire students by creatively getting them to take more responsibility for their choices in life. Through the use of animated drama, La Foucade shared his personal experiences with the students, engaging them from beginning to end.
Also on hand to lend his support to the initiative, was National Olympic Sailor, Andrew Lewis, who shared some of his life experiences with the students. He emphasized to them, the importance of being grateful for the little things in life and of always having a positive attitude.
After the presentation, La Foucade said, “I feel very happy about the achievement, but more so for the hundreds of lives positively impacted. It’s a priceless opportunity that I cherish, to be able say something and a life forever changed for the better. The journeys are long and my body aches at times, but no journey is too far to go to see youngsters believe in themselves. It’s a joy as well, to be appreciated by the teachers and principals who also echo the positive feedback of the students and who are eternally grateful for these social interventions. A student at ASJA Girls’ College told me, ‘Mr. La Foucade thank you for teaching me that someone’s opinion of me does not have to be my reality. I never knew that before.’ Those words said with the sincerity of a child who will never be the same are indeed priceless and is just one more reason to keep being In Full Flight!” He went onto say, “I am very thankful also for Republic Bank’s sterling support, most importantly I just see myself as a willing, inspired vessel grateful to be used as a source of inspiration to thousands of students year after year. It’s a huge responsibility and one I take very, very seriously.” The five-year partnership between the Bank and La Foucade seeks to bring these motivational tours to young people across the nation, with the aim of helping them to make a positive difference in their lives, in their families and their communities.
PHOTO CAPTION: Don La Foucade, Managing Director of In Full Flight, has the full attention of the students at the Fyzabad Anglican Secondary School, during his motivational speech.
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