Republic Journal

When the Downturn Looms: 4 Strategies to Survive a Slow Season

The conversations carry a familiar tone these days. As businesses head into the final quarter of 2019, the usual anticipation is mixed with concern and a sense of holding back.

Biting the Bullet

When we hear the words ‘public utilities,’ it is natural for many of us to immediately think about the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) and the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC). This is understandable given the importance of these two organisations to our everyday lives and the continual, well-ventilated challenges they face. While T&TEC’s performance has improved appreciably over the last 10 years or so, the plight of WASA continues to be a cause of major worry and a source of pain to many, many citizens.

Leadership and the Power to Make A Difference

For most people, November and Leadership may not be two things that typically go hand in hand. After all, let’s face it. November doesn’t have the spirit of renewal and reimagined sense of purpose that typically comes with January and the New Year nor does it have the reflective mind set and altruism that comes with the year-end of December (all qualities and traits that we’ve ascribed to great leadership, mind you).

Are banks ready for the cloud?

If you’re a techie like me, then you know “the cloud” is one of the biggest buzzwords around. And even if you’re not a techie, chances are that you’ve used the cloud even though you may not entirely be sure what it is.

Ban the Burn – Preventing Employee Burnout

The Caribbean may be home to some of the happiest places on earth but that doesn’t mean we’re immune to employee burn-out. Every day, many of us wake early and return home late in the evening after a day of multi-tasking at work and then having to do the same at home – prepare meals, deal with household chore, finish homework with the kids and spend much needed time with family at the end of the day. It’s a struggle at times and many may find it difficult to establish that equilibrium. Creating a balanced routine is however necessary.

Tech Beach Bermuda

Last week’s Tech Beach Bermuda conference showcased just how much Bermuda is doing to promote the growth of the Fintech industry. They are certainly advanced in their regulatory framework and processes that allow Fintechs to operate and trail their products or services from Bermuda.


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