Leadership: Employee Growth & Development

Thinking back to a time when I was much younger, and early in my career, I often pondered my future in financial services/banking. I knew that I wanted to have a successful career, but I had no real concept of the ideal path or measure of that success. What I did know was that there was clear line of sight for continuous growth and development opportunities. I was fortunate to work with extraordinary leaders who, not only led by example, but fostered powerful management habits and leadership skills.

To truly thrive, I believe leaders must help employees to find their purpose. While the idea of creating personalized experiences for each employee can seem daunting, learning how to uncover employees’ inner drivers leads to game-changing role fulfilment. Job crafting is all about understanding employees’ intrinsic motivations - being driven from the inside out, where you want to do the job at hand because you love it.

I believe that there are several factors that we can use to encourage this type of growth and development:

  1. Identify and develop strengths.
  2. Invest in training.
  3. Deepen and extend relationships outside of the scope of work.
  4. Assist employees to see the complete impact of their work.
  5. Commit to encouraging gratitude and kindness.
  6. Acknowledge individual and team progress.

While leadership development is sometimes more of an art than a science, by adopting a purpose-driven approach, you can inspire employees to find the joy in their careers and, in turn, become truly exceptional leaders.

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