Work/Life Balance

The term Work-Life Balance is defined as balance in the equilibrium between one’s personal life and career.

Equilibrium is defined as a state of balance between opposing forces or actions.

As the pace of life has sped up, our personal and work life have been seen as opposing forces, pitted against each other compelling us to choose – successful career or happy home life. Further to this, with the advent of technology allowing for the constant connection to work 24/7 the lines became increasingly blurred, infringing on what should be our down time leading to burnout and increased stress levels.

With the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic and being forced to stay at home, the lines were no longer blurred, but rather became reality where work life and home life collided with no warning.

In the middle of the pandemic in July 2020, I assumed the role of General Manager, Group Marketing and Communications. I was excited by this new opportunity but also mindful on how I must now adapt as the leader of four very diverse teams as well as the parent of two little ones, one who from September would continue to be home-schooled.

My main focus was not to become overwhelmed as I stepped into this new season of my life, but to adjust my approach to things, taking each day as it comes. In essence, to find my balance.

In trying to do the most we often forget that we are human and that we should extend grace to ourselves. Yes, we want to get it all done, yes we want be perfect but at what cost?

This pandemic has shown us that while our day to day affairs still need to be handled, we need to put the right things into priority. If we don’t, we risk losing ourselves completely.

Here are a few things that worked for me in finding my balance.

  • Aim to become more organized, work and home life have now collided so trying to have a basic schedule for the day when you are home will help you feel less flustered and more in control of things.
  • Set boundaries, have specific start and end times for the day when working from home. As we know, many times work after regular hours is necessary but still do your best to stop by a cutoff time. Also, take the necessary breaks during the day.
  • Be kind to yourself, you may have wanted to get through twenty things but only got two done because of circumstances beyond your control. Release the guilt of not getting everything done, set a goal for the next day to get the critical things done that are outstanding.
  • Self-care is a phrase we hear a lot, the mandate to make time to take care of you. I am no expert in this area as what’s best to do, so all I will say is remember no matter how busy you get keep yourself on your to-do list. As the saying goes you cannot pour from an empty cup.
  • Be thankful for all that you have. During this time the meaning of the little things have been amplified. So ,during the day while you’re at home with the kids and they want to give you a hug during that very important meeting, stop and hug them.

When and if life does get back to normal, we should take the lessons of the pandemic with us. We should reframe the narrative from one of becoming too obsessed with the outcome of where we need to be, to one where we walk in confidence on our journey no matter what comes our way.

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