Youth Link Programme Fact Sheet

The Republic Bank Youth Link Apprenticeship Programme was developed by then Personnel Manager, Susan Dore, who studied England’s National Apprenticeship Programme and modified the programme for Republic Bank. The programmed commenced in 1986 with a first cohort of 50 participants.

The Youth Link Programme was developed with the aim to bridge the gap between secondary school and the work environment; facilitating a more informed transitional period by equipping participants with basic training and marketable skills in business-related disciplines.

The programme is open to secondary school graduates between the ages of 16 -19 years, from the business studies stream.

The programme spans a seven-month period in which apprentices are attached to a Republic Bank branch or specialist unit where they are exposed to various courses in office procedures, personal development, banking operations and customer service.

Apprentices are also required to participate in seminars that develop their entrepreneurial skills as well as motivational sessions aimed at boosting self-esteem.

Upon completion of the programme, participants receive a Certificate of Participation. Special awards are also presented to apprentices who have excelled in specific categories.

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