Republic Bank and AMCHAM T&T Eye Tech Breakthroughs at Tech Hub Islands Summit

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Port of Spain, Trinidad, July 3, 2024: In pursuit of supporting Trinidad and Tobago’s transformation into a digitally sophisticated society, the American Chamber of Commerce Trinidad and Tobago, supported by Title Sponsor, Republic Bank, hosted the premier technology conference, Tech Hub Islands Summit (t.h.i.s.) on July 1-2, 2024. The two-day hybrid event with the theme “Breakthrough”, served as a space for local and regional tech industry leaders to meet, share and collaborate on a way forward on adoption and integration of emerging technologies.

The power of technology was aptly demonstrated on day one of the summit. Conference organisers quickly pivoted to a hybrid opening in an effort to prioritise the safety of all participants amid the inclement weather experienced owing to the passage of Hurricane Beryl.

Feature speakers from both the private and public sector shared their progress and accomplishments as well as hopes for the integration of tech in business and government operations in Trinidad and Tobago.

Republic Bank’s Vice President, P. Vic Salickram, voiced Republic Bank’s support for local tech talent, saying, “As a financial institution born in Trinidad and Tobago and that has since grown to establish a regional and international footprint across 16 territories in the Caribbean, South America and Ghana, we recognise the importance of investing in the talent that resides within our country and region. Moreover, we know that our talent is just as capable as any other to produce world-class solutions, products, services and companies for the benefit our people, at a globally competitive standard.”

Speaking on the executive panel, “Breakthrough – The Importance of Leadership”, Karen Yip Chuck, Vice President of Republic Bank, reiterated the importance of being customer-focused when making decisions, especially when seeking to implement technological solutions. “It’s imperative that we put the customer first, and that we have their considerations at the heart of everything we do. This means understanding their needs, wants, and especially their pain points, and then using digital technologies to create that superior customer experience.”

Day two of the summit shone the spotlight on topics like cyber-security and cyber-resilience, the role of data analytics in decision-making, and the global thrust toward e-Government solutions. Summit participants from both the private and public sector also had a chance to showcase their products and services at a mini exhibition at the event. Conference participants visiting the Republic Bank booth were able to learn more about and sign up for Endcash, Trinidad and Tobago’s largest mobile wallet powered by Republic Bank, as well as RepublicOnboard and other products.

In keeping with the Republic Group’s mandate to streamline operations and channel resources toward helping the region achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, the bank continues its support for events like t.h.i.s. that foster innovation and creativity and which help propel Trinidad and Tobago further along the path to a sustainable future.

July 4, 2024
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