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Caption: Some of the artistic work on display at the prize-giving ceremony of the Republic Bank and Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute (TTTI) Youth Against Corruption Essay and Poster Competition.
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, Friday October 20, 2014:- With slogans such as: “No transparency, no democracy; “The choice is yours, you are not too young to say No to corruption” and “Stand up for what is right…….. Stop Corruption”, were just some of the declarations, made by the participants of this year’s edition of the Republic Bank and Trinidad and Tobago Transparency Institute (TTTI) Youth Against Corruption Essay and Poster Competition.
The prize giving ceremony was held last Friday at the TTTI’s headquarters at Fernandes Industrial Centre, Eastern Main Road, Laventille, before a packed room.
The competition was aimed at stimulating the participants’ reflection on personal responsibility and independent thinking which also helped to strengthen their ability for moral judgment in their decision making. It consisted of two components, the essay writing competition and the poster competition, for persons between the ages of 13-25 years.
In the essay competition, Cheze Casimire, Larissa Fortune and Lakshmi Lalla won in their respective age groups 13-15, 16-19 and 20-15. In the poster competition Paul Ragoobarsingh, Rajeev Ram and siblings Zachary Subran Ganesh and Deirdre Subran- Ganesh, tied for first place. They triumphed in their age groups 13-15, 16-19 and 20-25 respectively.
Quoting from some of the winning essays Republic Bank’s General Manager, Internal Audit, Anthony Subero congratulated the participants on the role they played, in standing up against corruption. He urged them to take what they have learnt throughout their lives and live each day with integrity.
“Every poster, every essay that was submitted, was an effort, even a promise to stand up against corruption. It has been said that creativity takes courage and your work has shown us that we are in a room of brave young people, ready to be part of revolution -one positive change,” Subero said.
Dion Abdool, Vice Chair of the Institute, applauded Republic Bank on its role in helping to eradicate corruption in T&T. He said as the ceremony celebrated the efforts of the most vulnerable in society, it was a pleasure to have Republic Bank on board.
“We have a problem in society and the young people are talking and we as a society should listen. Republic Bank continues to listen to the plight of so many of the issues facing our generation. We are pleased to have them a part of this,” Abdool said.
Director Dr. Michael Alleyne, former Chief Education Officer, was on hand to assist in the prize distributions.
Republic Bank congratulates all the winners of the competition and wishes them all the best in their academic pursuits.
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