Republic Journal

Investment Banking in a global pandemic

In the throes of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, with a strong focus on economic recovery and promoting sustainable development, more nations and policymakers have begun reopening the conversation on investment banking and how it can help pave the way toward much needed post-pandemic growth. But how?

Principles for Responsible Banking

Banks and financial institutions are the backbone of the modern economy. But, as we have seen through the years, this importance extends beyond the banking basics of simply providing saving and lending services and products.

The Future of Work in the Caribbean

In early 2020, many of us transformed our dining room tables into office desks thinking that we would be ‘back to normal’ in a few weeks. However, as we draw closer to the end of the year, many non-essential workers are still working from home and experts are already predicting that post-pandemic jobs will be permanently altered by this period of our history.

RFHL Reinforces Its Commitment To Making A Difference

On October 12, Republic Financial Holdings Limited (RFHL) officially became one of the signatories to the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB).

Republic Group: Banking on a Sustainable Future

As an indigenous Caribbean financial institution, Republic Bank Financial Holdings (RFHL) remains committed to strengthening the region’s economies in sustainable ways.

Republic Group: Leading the Caribbean’s Commitment to Responsible Banking

When it comes to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), banks aren’t usually top of mind. But the reality is that banks play a fundamental and often unrecognised role in driving the world’s progress towards sustainable development. It is a role that extends well beyond financing and into their broader impact on people and planet.


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