Republic Journal

Common Borrowing Mistakes

In the wake of the devastation that Covid-19 related restrictions have caused to many businesses and some entire sectors of the economy

The Right Leadership Mindset

Today’s business leaders face unprecedented challenge. They are under constant pressure from various external sources, as well as themselves, to serve, inspire, and lead.
So before we go any further, let’s take a deep breath. Let it out. (Repeat)
You are doing well. Now, let’s keep going.

Taking the Wheel

In today’s world we hardly notice how easy it has become to manage our finances. For many of us it is merely routine to bank from multiple devices, be it the phone or laptop, often in the comfort of our home. Without a second thought, we can conveniently and quickly check our account balance, transfer funds, deposit or withdraw money, pay bills and shop without even entering the store, ATM or banking hall.

Facing 2021 With the Building Blocks of 2020

Like most people I was stunned over the last few days as I watched the riots in and around the US Capitol building. The tensions of 2020 had spilled over, unwelcomed, into the new year for the United States. For us here in Trinidad, we are still grappling with the challenges that the covid-19 pandemic brought to our doors. Clearly, we all have to face the reality that the late New York Times writer, Hal Borland aptly stated, “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on.”


Blursday, super-spreaders, lock-down, social-distancing, you’re on mute and of course the weekend quarantini, have been etched into our jargon as we faced the relentless challenges of COVID-19.

Change as an engine of growth

During the holidays I was able, like I hope, many of you, to enjoy a few beach days to relax, recharge and just watch the cerulean surf at Maracas Bay. “Life is flux” the ancient philosopher Heraclitus’ acknowledged in 500 BC. Accepting the need to constantly evolve, not with resignation or resistance, but with acceptance and vigour has always been our mantra at the RBL Information Technology team.


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